
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

内嵌电厂 is located about 32 kilometres from Setermoen in Bardu Municipality in Finnmark County.

  • 1960
    Entered into operation
  • 91 MW
  • 438.3、妇女

The power plant has two Francis turbines that produce power from a height of fall of 188 metres.

Innsett power plant reception building with turbine wheel and anniversary plaque.
Innsett power plant reception building with turbine wheel and anniversary plaque. (Photo: Erling Nystad)

Lake Altevatn is the common regulating reservoir for Innset, Straumsmo and Bardufoss power plants. With a natural catchment area of 1,234平方公里, Lake Altevatn is one of 挪威's largest reservoirs.

Innsett power plant reception building with turbine wheel and anniversary plaque
Innsett power plant reception building with turbine wheel and anniversary plaque. (Photo: Erling Nystad)


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